i'm pretty stoked about life right now :) i have been shooting like a madwoman and am really pleased with how everything is turning out! especially my shoot with ashley yesterday i must say i am still buzzing off how good those came out. I'm FINALLY realizing how to use light and it's making a huge difference in the quality of my work.
Also, since the original intention of creating this blog was not to just dump my pictures, here are some random facts about myself you may not know, so that you get to know me just a little bit better :)
1. i have a hard lump in my left arm right by the inside of my elbow right beneath the skin that is roughly the size of a jelly bean. i have no idea what it is or where it came from!
2. I keep a post-it note over the webcam lens on my iMac screen because i am convinced that people can hack into them via the internet and watch me dance around my house in my underwear.
3. I currently own 8 cameras.
4. I have been in love (well, i thought i was) a total of two times. And deeply regret both of them.
5. When i was younger, i was a reading FREAK. Like, i would read entire books in one day and stay up all night reading. I will always love books.
6. I have three little birds, sunny, meadow and reef. They are freaks, but i love them.