22 February, 2010


took a few self-portraits tonight,
it's been a while
and I just re-did my house
so it seemed appropriate :)
here's one...

15 February, 2010

Britters, mi amore

Here's a personal series I just got done editing, shots of Brittany Wright taken at my house in WA over Christmas break. Hair/Makeup was done by my friend Jessica Dahl, I was doing these for her so she can have some portfolio images.

I have one more series that I shot over winter break to edit that i'm REALLY excited about, stay tuned

10 February, 2010


2010 is blowing my mind.

I've never really put much stock in the belief that a new year triggers a real change in your life, I mean is there really a difference between December 31st and January 1st? But there's something about this year... I can definitely say the days have been the best I've ever had, and the good times show no sign of stopping.

Life is seriously SO GOOD.
I hate to go spewing sunshine and rainbows on everyone but I simply can't get over how great things have been! New friends, new experiences, new opportunities, I feel like I'm living to the fullest for the first time.

Two recent events of note:

I got THE internship. The exact one I wanted, my number one choice! With insanely successful commercial/celebrity photographer Peggy Sirota! I'm in the office Monday/Wednesday, today was my second day and already I've learned so much. I feel SO inspired by her, she is basically everything I want to be. She has 5 kids, a hugely successful career and is her own boss. I want to be her 15 years from now.

Also, attended an AMAZING event at the Santa Barbara Film Festival this past weekend,I went to a screening of "Posse", a 1975 western film which was followed by a Q&A with THE Quentin Tarantino and the director/star of "Posse" Kirk Douglas, who is 93! It was incredible.
